ViewClix frames are the only products available that make video calling readily accessible to people who have dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, or memory loss. The video calls are managed by family members so there is no training required for the senior and they can simply enjoy the calls. Below you’ll find tips to for making video calls an enjoyable experience for all and to bring your family closer.
1. Determine the best times of day to call and stick to this schedule.
It is commonly accepted that the those with dementia thrive when their days are scheduled and have structure. Scheduling brings familiarity and eases anxiety. Determine the best time of day to call, whether that’s after lunch, at dinner, in the morning, whatever works best and is convenient. Your senior will start to become familiar with this schedule and look forward to your video calls together.
2. A comfortable place to sit and enjoy
Place the ViewClix frame in a location where the senior can easily sit and view the frame. This might be next to their favorite chair or at the kitchen table. In addition to making video calls easier, they’ll also be able to sit and enjoy the Slideshow of photos the family has shared.
3. Start slow and build up.
New events can be overwhelming to start with for anyone. Start with brief chats and ease them into the video calls. It is OK, if they only want to chat briefly or if today is not a good day. Letting them ease into this will lead to long term success.
4. Be prepared with stories or questions to ask.
Deep, meaningful conversations activate a different section of the brain than just a casual “How are you?” You might keep them up to date on their grandkid’s youth sports season and how many points they’ve scored. It is also great to ask questions about past events like, “Tell me how you and dad met” or “Who was there when I was born?” Not only will you be surprised by these answers, but it will also improve your connection with them. Tip: we have is to write these stories down!
Video calls are a proven tool to reduce isolation and improve a senior’s quality of life. At ViewClix, our goal is to bring technology to seniors who may not be able to work a smart phone, tablet or laptop.
Technology should be for everyone!
Order your ViewClix Smart Frame today and start experiencing the benefits of video calling: